A Short Aramaic Epigraphic Miscellany from Al-A‘ērḍiyyeh—Northwest Arabia Revisited





Aramaic, North Arabia, Tayma, Taymā’, Ha’il, epigraphy, Imperial/ official Aramaic, Achaemenid Persian Empire


This contribution deals with a short Aramaic graffito discovered on a rock facade at al-A‘ērḍiyyeh within the al-Masmā mountain range, which lies between Taymā’ and Ḥa’il in the north of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The text is transcribed, and its words and names are explained linguistically and etymologically within the framework of the Semitic languages. A glimpse on the introduction of Aramaic into the Ancient North Arabia is presented.


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How to Cite

Hayajneh, H. ., & Alfadhel , M. . (2024). A Short Aramaic Epigraphic Miscellany from Al-A‘ērḍiyyeh—Northwest Arabia Revisited. Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology, 18(1), 210–222. https://doi.org/10.35516/jjha.v18i1.2431


