The Strengths of Old Capitals and the Making of Political Action: Sohar as a Model




Oman, Imamate, capitals, Sohar, Walis


Moving the capital from one city to another was one of the actions taken by states since ancient times, whether in Oman, or in the Islamic East. Although the transfer of capitals is based on political reasons, states cannot remove the impact and influence of the old capital. Therefore, it remains present in the political and administrative action of the new state. The importance of this study stems from the fact that it explores the various changes that occurred as a result of moving the capital from Sohar after the fall of the first Imamate in Oman in 134 AH / 751 AD.  In this context, the discussion is usually directed towards the reasons that led to this transition, but this study will examine the reflection of this decision on Sohar, which remained influential even after the transfer of the capital. The study also explores the efforts exerted by the Omani Imams to take care of this city during the period 177-280 AH/ 794-893 AD). Through the local and general references, the paper critically examines the strengths of this city that made it remain influential despite the transfer of the capital to Nizwa (the elements of power). It will also analyze the care accorded to Sohar by the Imamate which is an indication of its strength and continued influence. The study reached a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which are: the persistence of the city of Sohar as one of the most important and dynamic cities of the Second Ibadi Imamate, even after losing its status as the capital, due to the elements of strength and influence it possessed that enabled it to maintain its local and regional presence. Additionally, most Imams in Oman sought to empower the city through a series of measures and procedures that covered various aspects, starting with the administrative, economic, military, cultural, and urban aspects; Sohar remained the civilizational front of the Second Ibadi Imamate.


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How to Cite

Alkhatari, K. bint H. S. . (2024). The Strengths of Old Capitals and the Making of Political Action: Sohar as a Model. Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology, 18(1), 39–71.


