(mbqr’/ mbqr) in the Nabataean Sinaitic Inscriptions and the Dead Sea Scrolls


  • Zeyad Mahdi Al-Salameen Mohammed bin Zayed University of Human Sciences, College of Arts and Humanities, United Arab Emirates https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6484-8674
  • Ekhlass Khalid Al-Qananweh Ministry of Education, Jordan




mbqr’, Nabataean religion, Nabataeans in Sinai, Dead Sea Scrolls, Old Testament, Functional titles


This article examines and analyses the word mbqr’ that appears in some Nabataean Sinaitic inscriptions. The word is discussed in its both etymological and idiomatic contexts, based on specialized Semitic dictionaries and published Semitic inscriptions. Special attention is paid to the lexical data of the Dead Sea Scrolls


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How to Cite

Al-Salameen, Z. M. ., & Al-Qananweh, E. K. . (2024). (mbqr’/ mbqr) in the Nabataean Sinaitic Inscriptions and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology, 18(1), 20–38. https://doi.org/10.35516/jjha.v18i1.687


