About the Journal

The Jordan Medical Journal (JMJ) is a free, open access, peer-reviewed journal that deals with current and future research issues in the biomedical field. The members of the Editorial Board are drawn from the highest echelons of Jordan in the academic fields and medical practice. Articles submitted are reviewed according to the highest standards.


Call for Papers - Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Challenges and Opportunities



Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Challenges and Opportunities

Mohammad Al-Tamimi1,Maisam Akroush2 , Faris Bakri 3

1 School of Medicine, The Hashemite University, Jordan.

2  School of Medicine, The University of Jordan, member of the National Committee for AMR.

3 School of Medicine, The University of Jordan


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of bacterial infections is associated with increased morbidity and mortality worldwide. AMR is estimated to increase health care costs globally by US$ 1 trillion per year by 2050. AMR occurs mostly due to the inappropriate use of antibiotics in humans, animals and agriculture. It disproportionately affects the developing countries and poses a major threat to healthcare globally. The Eastern Mediterranean Region, including Jordan has the highest – and fastest rising – level of antibiotic consumption among the World Health Organization (WHO) regions. The scope of this special issue call is communicating research findings and experts recommendation relevant to AMR, including infection prevention, quality diagnosis and appropriate antibiotics use, strategic information, science and innovation, and effective governance and financing of the human health sector response to AMR.


Types of manuscripts include:

Original research articles, review articles, short research communication and commentaries. Manuscripts should focus on any of the following priority areas to promote collaborative actions accelerating response to AMR:

  1. Antimicrobial governance at country, sub-country and regional levels
  2. AMR epidemiologic trends at the country or regional level
  3. AMR as an integral part of infection prevention and control, including antibiotic stewardship and prevention strategies
  4. AMR control at health services provision level
  5. Emergence and control of AMR in health emergency and humanitarian settings
  6. Development of new antibiotics and antimicrobial agents
  7. One Health approach, including environmental factors contributing to AMR (AMR in animals, humans and the environment)


Submission information:

Interested authors should submit their manuscripts through the JMJ website


Please indicate in your submission that the manuscript is for consideration for the special issue on “antimicrobial resistance (AMR): challenges and opportunities”.

Deadline for manuscript submission: Submission for the special issue is open from 1.2.2025 to 31.8.2025 with a publication date on or about 1.11.2025

Number of expected published papers: 5-10 articles

Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), antibiotics, infection, resistance genes, outbreak, surveillance


For further information, contact:  jmj@ju.edu.jo

Editor: Prof. Malik E. Juweid, The University of Jordan, Jordan

Guest editors of the special issue

Dr. Mohammad Al-Tamimi, MD, PhD, The Hashemite University, Jordan.

Dr. Maisam Akroush, MD, MRCP, FRCP, School of Medicine, The University of Jordan, member of the national committee for AMR.

Professor Faris Bakri, MD, FIDSA, University of Jordan


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Vol. 58 No. 4 (2024)
					View Vol. 58 No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-08

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