About the Journal

The Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences (JJAS) is an international double-blind peer-refereed, open-access journal publication sponsored by the Scientific Research and Innovation Support Fund/ Jordan Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and housed at the Deanship of Scientific Research/ the University of Jordan. The JJAS is dedicated to achieving the highest standards and requirements of scientific research in agriculture and allied sciences, publishing articles that will benefit academics and practitioners in agriculture, and contributing to the body of accumulated knowledge, locally and globally. The JJAS is also committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and taking all possible measures against publication malpractices. The authors certify that the submitted articles represent their contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works. The authors acknowledge that they have disclosed all or any actual or potential conflicts of interest associated with their articles. The journal is committed to an objective and fair peer review of the submitted works for publication and to preventing any actual or potential conflict of interest among the editorial staff, reviewers, and the reviewed material. Any departure from the rules defined above is reported directly to the Editor-in-Chief, who is unequivocally committed to providing prompt solutions to these issues.

Current Issue

Vol. 20 No. 4 (2024)
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